Fun with Python Series

Orestis Zekai
1 min readFeb 22, 2021


Welcome to the “Fun with Python” catalog. Here you can find all the “Fun with Python” articles with a short description. Enjoy!

Fun with Python Series

Fun with Python #1: Maze Generator
This is the first python article ever written. In this article we take a look at the maze generation technique called “Prim’s randomized algorithm” and we create our own mazes. Find it here.

Fun with Python #2: Rat in a Maze
This is the second part of the previous article. Here we are using backtracking in order to find a solution for our maze. Find it here.

Fun with Python #3: Hacking Instagram Giveaways
In this article, we are “hacking” Instagram giveaways by utilizing Python to make as many comments as possible. Find it here.

Fun with Python #4: Receiving free stuff in your mail
In this article, we are scraping and sending emails to radio stations and ask for free swag. Find it here.

Fun with Python #5: Bubble sort visualization
In this article, we are implementing bubble sort and visualize it using pygame. Find it here.

